Anopheles gambiae genome download

In , this mutation was introduced into a colony of A. From the F2 offspring of this second outcross to Kenyan mosquitoes, a strain was selected that was fixed for pink eye. This outcrossing scheme was repeated one more time in producing a pink eye strain with a genetic composition largely constituted of the western Kenya Savanna cytogenetic form. In each of these crosses, several hundred female offspring of at least 20 wild caught mosquitoes were used in the cross.

This strain, designated A. The 2Rbc inversion is characteristic of the Mopti chromosomal form, indicating that the original LPE strain from Nigeria was the Mopti form, which is the M molecular form. Mukabayire and Besansky selected from this PE strain a set of 9 families whose female parent and at least 20 female offspring were fixed for the standard chromosome karyotype. The progeny of these nine families were pooled to form the A. This strain clearly had some Mopti -derived DNA, as the standard karyotype is shared by Mopti and Savanna and the original PE strain did have the 2Rbc inversion rather than 2Rb that is typical of Savanna.

When tested, this colony was fully susceptible to P. DNA preparation and library construction methods were conducted following standard protocols, and the sequencing method was whole-genome Sanger sequencing. Subsequent to sequencing, the PEST strain was found to be polymorphic for molecular markers diagnostic of the A.

The last known isolate of the A. Taxonomy ID More information and statistics. Display your data in Ensembl Metazoa. What can I find? More about this genebuild. Update your old Ensembl IDs. Homologues, gene trees, and whole genome alignments across multiple species. More about comparative analyses. Phylogenetic overview of gene families. Download alignments EMF. More about variation in Ensembl Metazoa.

Variant Effect Predictor. The set of gene models presented genebuild AgamP4. Prediction utilised alignments of dipteran and other protein sets to the genome and generation of GeneWise models, alignment and gene prediction based on Anopheles ESTs, and selected ab initio predictions.

More details can be found in VectorBase. Search terms. Search Anopheles gambiae. Search Ensembl Metazoa. Search Ensembl Genomes. Search all species. Search EBI. Anopheles gambiae Assembly and Gene Annotation. Thought to have arisen through duplication followed by loss of function. Pseudogenes 9 A transcript is the operational unit of a gene. In a genomic context, transcripts consist of one or more exons, with adjoining exons being separated by introns.

Transcripts may or may not encode a protein Gene transcripts 15, Other Snap gene prediction 24, Short Variants 61,, Structural variants 8.

Get help Using this website Documentation Adding custom tracks Downloading data. Follow us Blog Twitter. Personal Data. Coding genes. A transcript is the operational unit of a gene. Transcripts may or may not encode a protein Gene transcripts. Your basket is currently empty. Select a section on the left to see content.

For each gene, a single representative protein sequence is chosen from the proteome. Where possible, reviewed Swiss-Prot protein sequences are chosen as the representatives. It consists of the characters 'UP' followed by 9 digits, is stable across releases and can therefore be used to cite a UniProt proteome.

BUSCO scores include percentages of complete C single-copy S genes, complete C duplicated D genes, fragmented F and missing M genes, as well as the total number of orthologous clusters n used in the BUSCO assessment, and the name of the taxonomic lineage dataset used.

Possible values are 'Standard', 'Close to Standard' and 'Outlier'. Chromosome 2L CM


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